Healthcare Software Blog

We stay current on healthcare IT trends and advances and constantly publish new articles on topics such as healthcare data analytics, healthcare cybersecurity, patient and also find how to develop hospital mobile app development in our healthcare app development blog, and more. In our healthcare software blog, we assist senior IT managers, project managers, healthcare providers, medical device makers, and pharmaceutical firms in determining how to improve the productivity of the IT-healthcare symbiosis for caregivers and patients.
Telehealth Solution Benefits Podcast In this article, we will focus on our Telehealth Podcast. The podcast is about telehealth solution benefits.  Until recently, telemedicine...

Benefits of Telemedicine in nursing homes
Benefits of Telemedicine in Nursing Homes

In this article we talk of how practical and supportive telemedicine in nursing homes is, and some crucial points of telemedicine...

CTO as a Service Advantages Podcast In this article, we will focus on our CTO as a Service Podcast. The podcast is about importance of CTO...

Digital Healthcare Trends
Digital Healthcare Trends 2022

Learn more about the digital health market trends that are already running the show in 2022. We used to face bureaucracy...

RPM solutions and their benefits
Remote patient monitoring solutions and their benefits

In this article, you will build a better understanding of what a patient monitoring system is and the benefits of implementing...

Pros and Cons of cloud computing in healthcare
Advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing in healthcare

Here you are going to learn about the main benefits of cloud computing in healthcare as well as some disadvantages, and...

how to get iso 13485 certification
ISO 13485 certification

Find out more about how to get iso 13485 certification to understand where your business stands at the moment and what...

Medical image analysis
Medical image analysis: how computer vision helps diagnosticians

In this article, we will talk about the role of computer vision in medical imaging, the way it improves healthcare outcomes...

Best Healthcare CRM Software
10 Best Healthcare CRM Software

In this article, we will do a research on what is the best CRM software for healthcare and how to implement...

When should I use Dedicated team model
How to get the most business out of dedicated software development

In this article, we will try to answer the questions of why to hire a dedicated development team and how to...