Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Pro or Con?

Artificial intelligence in healthcare
29 mins read
Table of Contents

Ever wondered how the fusion of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and healthcare is reshaping the medical landscape? “How is AI used in healthcare?” delves into this transformative journey, unlocking a realm of possibilities. This exploration is crucial as AI not only enhances diagnostics and treatments but also revolutionizes patient care. We witness a paradigm shift, where AI fuels quicker and more accurate diagnostics, expedites drug discovery, and empowers healthcare professionals with data-driven insights. From predictive analytics to personalized medicine, the applications of AI in medicine promise a canvas of innovation, holding the key to improved patient outcomes and a future where healthcare is seamlessly integrated with cutting-edge technology.

Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: What is It?

The world where Artificial Intelligence (AI) and healthcare converge is fascinating – it is a dynamic fusion of technology mimicking human cognition benefiting medicine. AI, beyond conventional diagnostics, is deciphering complex data to usher in a new era of disease diagnosis, prevention, and treatment.

At its core, health-related AI seeks to unravel the intricacies between clinical data and patient outcomes. It not only crafts innovative diagnostic tools but also composes treatment protocols, contributes to drug development, personalizes medicine, and monitors patient care. What sets AI apart is its prowess in handling vast and diverse datasets, unlocking insights through machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

A computer program automatically determines the age of a person's hand bones through an X-ray examination.
Image 1. A computer program automatically determines the age of a person's hand bones through an X-ray examination.

Imagine AI as an artist painting with radiographs, transforming X-ray pictures into powerful tools for triage and interpretation. However, these algorithms possess a unique language, acting as literal learners with defined goals, and some, like enigmatic black boxes, offer precision without transparent explanations.

Yet, as we navigate this process, ethical considerations illuminate the path. In a world where AI in medicine is still a frontier, ongoing research explores its applications while grappling with concerns like data privacy, job automation, and biases. The journey unfolds, challenging healthcare leaders to embrace this global transformation at their own pace, recognizing the potential that awaits in the unique fusion of AI and healthcare.

The integration of Clinical Decision Support (CDS) resulted in saving approximately $1,000 per patient encounter while achieving improved patient outcomes. This included shorter hospital stays, reduced chances of 30-day readmissions, and a lower likelihood of complications.

How does AI contribute to Healthcare? The Dynamic Impact of AI Across Diagnostics, Treatment, and Beyond

Medical AI stands at the forefront of healthcare innovation, revolutionizing diagnostics, treatment, and operational efficiency through a number of impactful software solutions:

  • Diagnostic Accuracy: AI enhances diagnostic processes by analyzing medical imaging, pathology slides, and other data with high precision, reducing human error.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: AI analyzes patient data to tailor treatment plans, considering individual variations and responses for more effective and personalized healthcare.
  • Drug Discovery: AI accelerates drug discovery by analyzing vast datasets, predicting potential drug candidates, and identifying target molecules, streamlining the research and development process.
  • Predictive Analytics: (Image 2) AI utilizes predictive models to forecast disease outbreaks, patient admissions, and potential complications, enabling proactive healthcare management.
  • Administrative Efficiency: AI streamlines administrative tasks, including appointment scheduling, billing, and medical record management, optimizing operational efficiency in healthcare settings.
  • Remote Patient Monitoring: AI monitoring solutions facilitate continuous monitoring of patient’s health remotely, providing real-time insights and early detection of potential health issues.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP allows AI systems to understand and process human language, improving communication between healthcare professionals and enhancing data extraction from clinical notes.
  • Robotic Surgery: AI assists in robotic surgery, enhancing precision and allowing for minimally invasive procedures with improved outcomes.
  • Fraud Detection and Security: AI contributes to healthcare cybersecurity by detecting potential fraud, securing patient data, and maintaining the integrity of electronic health records.
  • Genomic Analysis in Healthcare: AI plays a vital role in analyzing vast genomic datasets, aiding in the identification of genetic predispositions, and potential diseases, and informing personalized treatment strategies.
Predictive Analytics in Healthcare
Image 2. Predictive Analytics in Healthcare.

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When Did AI Become a Game-Changer in Healthcare?

AI for healthcare became popular in the early 21st century due to the convergence of advanced computational technologies and a growing recognition of AI’s potential to revolutionize medical practices. Around the mid-2000s, significant strides were made in medical imaging, where AI algorithms began to showcase remarkable accuracy in interpreting complex radiological scans. This marked a pivotal moment as the healthcare industry recognized the transformative power of AI in improving diagnostic capabilities.

As the years progressed, the healthcare sector witnessed an increasing influx of AI applications. The 2010s saw a surge in research and development, with AI being employed in diverse areas such as predictive analytics, personalized medicine, and robotic surgery. The popularity of medical AI continued to soar as more healthcare providers and organizations embraced its capabilities, seeking to enhance patient care, streamline operations, and unlock new frontiers in medical innovation.

Types of AI in Healthcare: A Brief Overview

  • Machine Learning – Neural Networks and Deep Learning: Statistical technique for learning from data. Widely employed in healthcare for precision medicine, predicting treatment success based on patient attributes.
  • Neural Networks: (Image 3) Established technology in healthcare research. Applied in categorization tasks, such as predicting disease acquisition.
  • Deep Learning: Involves neural network models with multiple layers predicting outcomes. Commonly used in healthcare for recognizing potentially cancerous lesions in radiology images.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Goal of making sense of human language. Applied in healthcare for tasks like speech recognition, text analysis, and clinical documentation.
  • Rule-Based Expert Systems: Dominant in the 1980s for clinical decision support. Involves collections of ‘if-then’ rules but is gradually replaced by data-driven approaches.
  • Physical Robots: Perform predefined tasks in various industries. Surgical robots enhance surgeons’ capabilities in procedures like gynecologic and prostate surgery.
  • Robotic Process Automation (RPA): Performs structured digital tasks for administrative purposes. Used in healthcare (AI-driven solutions) for repetitive tasks like prior authorization, updating patient records, and billing.
  • Integration of Technologies: Increasing trend of combining and integrating technologies. Future possibilities include AI-based ‘brains’ for robots, integrating image recognition with RPA for enhanced functionality, and the seamless inclusion of the IoT in healthcare.
A simple Neural Network
Image 3. A simple Neural Network.
Natural Language Processing (NLP) played a crucial role in identifying patients with incidental pulmonary nodules (IPNs), allowing for timely intervention and the early detection of potential lung cancer progression. This proactive approach successfully identified around 152,000 patients at an early stage.

How does AI benefit Medicine?

AI in medicine spans diverse clinical applications. It aids in diagnostics by analyzing medical images, streamlining workflows through automated staff organization, and revolutionizing patient monitoring with real-time insights. 

Clinical Applications of AI: Personalized Medicine and Treatment Optimization

Precision medicine, experiences a paradigm shift with the integration of Artificial Intelligence. This patient-centric approach, considering genetics, environment, lifestyle, and biomarkers, seeks to enhance outcomes through targeted, efficient, and safe interventions. AI emerges as a powerful force, wielding the ability to analyze intricate datasets, predict outcomes, and optimize treatment strategies.

In the realm of personalized treatment, AI’s potential is vast but hinges on the advancement of Machine Learning algorithms capable of predicting medication needs based on preemptive genotyping. Real-time recommendations rely on this genomic information, unlocking the ability to tailor medications and dosages proactively.

The applications of AI extend into treatment decision support, notably in predicting therapy response. Studies showcasing AI’s prowess in predicting responses to chemotherapy and antidepressants exemplify its potential impact. With gene expression data and electronic health records, medical AI demonstrates impressive accuracy in anticipating patient responses, heralding a new era of predictive and personalized medicine.

Dose optimization and therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) witness a transformative role for AI. By predicting adverse drug events and optimizing medication dosages, AI significantly enhances patient safety. The CURATE.AI platform, dynamically optimizing chemotherapy doses, exemplifies AI’s potential in individualized treatment, showcasing reduced adverse events and improved response rates.

Therapeutic drug monitoring is undergoing a revolution with AI. ML algorithms predict individual responses based on genetic makeup, medical history, and other factors, enabling a personalized approach to drug therapy. From predicting drug-drug interactions to identifying patients at high risk of adverse reactions, AI in TDM offers a proactive strategy to ensure the right drug, at the right dose, at the right time.

Diagnostics: The Impact of AI Assistance

The quest for accurate disease diagnosis persists as a global challenge. Despite strides in medicine, the complexities of disease mechanisms and symptoms continue to pose obstacles to early diagnostics. AI, specifically Machine Learning, appeared a game-changer in healthcare.

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Image 4. The application of AI in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer.
ML operates by learning from data inputs, offering a unique potential to address the intricacies of medical diagnoses. It assists in decision-making, workflow management, and task automation, presenting a cost-effective and timely solution. Deep Learning, with its convolutional neural networks and data mining, emerges as a powerhouse in identifying disease patterns within extensive datasets. Studies showcasing AI’s prowess in breast cancer diagnosis and skin cancer detection underscore its potential impact on healthcare precision.

The utilization of medical AI expands beyond diagnostics, reaching into clinical laboratories and emergency departments. In clinical microbiology, ML systems harness diverse data sources, from genomic information to microscopic imaging, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of microorganism identification and disease classification. Automation and AI integration in blood cultures and molecular platforms exemplify the transformative efficiency AI brings to clinical laboratories, promising rapid and precise results.

The emergency department, facing escalating challenges, finds an ally in AI. AI algorithms triage patients, prioritizing urgent cases and reducing waiting times. Symptom assessment tools powered by AI streamline patient evaluation, minimizing unnecessary visits. Moreover, AI-powered decision support systems provide real-time suggestions to healthcare providers, aiding in diagnostics and treatment decisions, critical in the fast-paced ED environment.

How does AI aid in the organization of medical professionals' workflow?

AI in healthcare is revolutionizing the establishment of guidelines where traditional processes are often time-consuming. Instead of laboriously sifting through vast datasets, AI expedites the identification of newly published data, aiding in the initial stages of information mining. Supervised by experts, AI algorithms then analyze this wealth of data, identifying patterns and trends in real time. This facilitates the rapid development of evidence-based guidelines, fostering swift information exchange with clinicians for crucial clinical and ethical considerations.

Frameworks established by professional organizations address unique concerns surrounding the development, reporting, and validation of AI in medicine. Unlike focusing solely on clinical applications, these frameworks primarily educate AI creators, emphasizing transparency in algorithm design and reporting. Regulatory efforts, such as those by the US FDA and the European Commission, are crucial in assessing real-world AI applications and enhancing the credibility of medical AI. This regulatory landscape is shaping a future where healthcare is adeptly driven by technology.

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Image 5. Traditional medical practice vs. AI-driven tools workflow.

Artificial intelligence in medicine: Patient Care

AI has a transformative impact on patient care, with virtual health assistants offering personalized services through AI-powered applications, chatbots, and interfaces. These digital assistants aid in identifying patient issues, providing medical advice, medication reminders, appointment scheduling, and vital sign monitoring, reducing the workload on healthcare providers. Virtual health assistants, available 24/7, enhance healthcare accessibility and have been successfully employed for patient triaging.

In MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT, AI plays an important role by offering personalized care and early detection through web-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Studies reveal AI’s effectiveness in addressing depression and substance use disorders, such as Woebot’s positive impact. However, challenges like data bias and lack of personalization underscore the need for careful integration, ensuring AI supplements rather than replaces professional mental health care.

Healthcare AI in PATIENT EDUCATION is notable, with chatbots providing interactive guidance on topics like diet, smoking cessation, and therapy. Patient education is crucial for treatment adherence and better outcomes, and AI-driven chatbots, like PROSCA, enhance patient knowledge. Despite potential benefits, challenges such as ensuring information accuracy, privacy, and maintaining human empathy need careful consideration.

Finally, the PUBLIC PERCEPTION of AI in healthcare is critical. While surveys show varying preferences, with some welcoming AI integration, others express discomfort, especially in complex or sensitive healthcare issues. Building trust is vital for successful AI integration, and understanding patient education, concerns, and comfort levels is essential.

Aspect Key Points

Virtual Health Assistants

AI-driven digital assistants provide personalized patient care. Assist in symptom identification, medical advice, medication reminders, appointment scheduling, and vital sign monitoring.
Mental Health Support
AI aids in the early detection of mental health conditions. Applications effectively address depression and substance use disorders. Challenges include data bias and lack of personalization.
Patient Education
AI-powered chatbots enhance patient education on various healthcare topics. PROSCA chatbot increases knowledge about prostate cancer. Challenges include information accuracy and privacy concerns.
Public Perception of AI
Mixed survey results on preferences for AI over human healthcare providers. Trust-building is crucial for successful AI integration. Patient education, concerns, and comfort levels are key considerations.

Table 1. AI-powered Patient Care Overview.

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Benefits of AI in Healthcare

The integration of AI in healthcare brings a multitude of benefits, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and overall quality of care for both medical professionals and patients alike.

Aspect Healthcare professionals Patients
Quick and accurate identification of illnesses
Timely and precise diagnoses for effective treatment
Predictive Analytics
Proactive intervention for potential health issues
Early identification of health risks and preventive measures
Efficient Workflows
Streamlined administrative tasks, optimizing workflow efficiency
Faster and smoother healthcare experiences for patients
Personalized Treatment
Tailored treatment plans based on individual patient data
More effective, targeted interventions and minimized side effects
Remote Patient Monitoring
Continuous remote health monitoring
Sense of security and care in the comfort of patients' homes
Research and Discovery
Accelerated research processes and drug discovery
Potential breakthroughs and more treatment options for patients

Table 2. Positive Impacts of AI in Healthcare

AI Advantages for Healthcare Professionals:

  1. Workflow Optimization: AI aids healthcare professionals by automating routine tasks, allowing them to focus on critical decision-making and patient care.
  2. Enhanced Diagnostics: AI-driven diagnostic tools provide accurate and timely assessments.
  3. Personalized Treatment Plans: AI analyzes patient data to tailor treatment strategies, considering individual characteristics, genetics, and responses.
  4. Predictive Analytics: AI models predict disease trends, enabling to address potential health issues efficiently.
  5. Efficient Resource Management: AI helps optimize resource allocation, allowing healthcare providers to manage staff, equipment, and facilities more effectively.
  6. Streamlined Administrative Tasks: Automation of administrative processes reduces paperwork and bureaucracy in favour of patient-centric tasks.
  7. Real-time Decision Support: AI provides immediate and relevant information, supporting medical professionals in making well-informed decisions during patient consultations and treatments.
  8. Continuous Learning: Medical AI enables healthcare professionals to stay updated with the latest medical research and advancements.
  9. Remote Monitoring: (Image 6) AI-powered monitoring systems facilitate remote patient monitoring, enabling doctors to track patient health outside traditional clinical settings.
  10. Improved Patient Engagement: AI tools enhance patient-doctor communication, promoting better engagement, understanding, and adherence to treatment plans.
How medical AI software enables doctors to monitor available appointment slots and cancellations, optimizing the use of every working hour
Image 6. How medical AI software enables doctors to monitor available appointment slots and cancellations, optimizing the use of every working hour.

The impacts of AI implementation for patients:

  1. Personalized Treatment Plans: AI enables tailored healthcare strategies, considering individual patient data for more effective and personalized treatment plans.
  2. Faster Diagnoses: AI-driven diagnostics lead to quicker identification of health issues, reducing the time patients spend in uncertainty and facilitating timely interventions.
  3. Enhanced Monitoring: Continuous patient monitoring through AI technologies ensures a proactive approach to health management, providing real-time insights for both patients and healthcare providers.
    Improved Access to
  4. Medical Information: AI-powered tools offer patients access to valuable medical information, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health.
  5. Efficient Appointment Scheduling: Medical AI streamlines appointment scheduling, reducing wait times and enhancing overall patient experience by optimizing healthcare services.
  6. Remote Healthcare Services: (Image 7) AI facilitates telemedicine and remote healthcare, allowing patients to receive consultations and monitoring from the comfort of their homes.
  7. Early Disease Detection: AI algorithms can identify potential health risks early, enabling preventive measures and reducing the severity of illnesses.
  8. Cost-Effective Healthcare: AI contributes to cost reduction in healthcare services, making quality medical care more accessible and affordable for patients.
  9. Improved Medication Adherence: AI tools can assist patients in adhering to medication schedules, ensuring better treatment outcomes and long-term health benefits.
  10. Empowered Patient Engagement: By providing insights and involving patients in their healthcare journey, AI fosters a sense of empowerment and active participation in the decision-making process.
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Image 7. Remote Healthcare Services in action: a video call with a doctor.
A healthcare system effectively utilized AI-driven predictive models to proactively manage and mitigate hundreds of potential shortages before they could impact patient care, showcasing the efficiency and foresight provided by AI technology.

Challenges and Considerations in Implementing AI in Healthcare

As the healthcare industry embraces the transformative potential of AI, various challenges and considerations arise, spanning data privacy, integration hurdles, ethical concerns, and the need for standardized practices. Overcoming them is crucial for the successful and widespread implementation of AI in healthcare settings.

  1. Data Privacy and Security Concerns: Protecting patient data from breaches and ensuring confidentiality pose significant challenges in AI implementation due to the sensitive nature of healthcare information.
  2. Integration with Existing Systems: Harmonizing AI technologies with existing healthcare infrastructure can be complex, requiring seamless integration to maximize efficiency without disrupting regular operations.
  3. Ethical Considerations and Bias: Ensuring fairness and avoiding bias in AI algorithms is crucial, as biased models may contribute to healthcare disparities and undermine the trust of patients and healthcare professionals.
  4. Lack of Standardization: The absence of standardized protocols for AI implementation in healthcare creates challenges, hindering interoperability and consistency across different healthcare systems.
  5. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Navigating complex legal frameworks and ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements can be challenging, impacting the widespread adoption of AI in healthcare.
  6. Limited Understanding and Acceptance: Resistance to change and a lack of understanding among doctors and patients about AI’s capabilities and benefits can impede successful implementation.
  7. High Initial Costs: The initial investment required for AI implementation, including infrastructure, training, and software development, can be a barrier for healthcare organizations, particularly smaller ones.
  8. Human Workforce Adaptation: Integrating AI technologies may necessitate upskilling the existing healthcare workforce to effectively collaborate with AI systems, requiring time and resources.
  9. Algorithm Reliability and Transparency: Ensuring the reliability of AI algorithms and making their decision-making processes transparent is essential for gaining trust and acceptance in clinical settings.
  10. Patient Resistance and Trust Issues: Some patients may be hesitant to trust AI-driven healthcare solutions, raising concerns about the potential loss of the human touch and personalized care in medical interactions.
Ensuring fairness in health AI priority-setting, giving special focus to steps 1 and 2
Image 8. Ensuring fairness in health AI priority-setting, giving special focus to steps 1 and 2.

Securing the Future: Legal and Ethical Dimensions of AI in Healthcare

AI in healthcare faces challenges like data quality, privacy concerns, and potential bias (Image 9). Recognizing human fallibility is crucial, especially in patient care. Overcoming these challenges necessitates a multidisciplinary approach, collaboration between scientists and healthcare providers, and ethical best practices. 

Ethical and Legal concerns
Image 9. Ethical and Legal concerns.

Despite challenges, AI streamlines tasks, enhances efficiency, and reduces stress for healthcare providers, addressing ethical considerations through awareness, transparency, and accountability frameworks in evaluating digital technology’s impact on healthcare supply chain participants.

A study highlighted that the implementation of electronic Prior Authorization (ePA) resulted in a 71 percent faster time to patient care for healthcare providers. The utilization of ePA also significantly reduced the time between submitting a request and receiving a decision from the payer, demonstrating a 69 percent reduction in processing time.

How do we create effective and reliable healthcare applications that include AI?

Creating effective and reliable healthcare applications with AI integration requires a meticulous approach.

  1. Define Purpose: Clearly articulate the application’s purpose, aligning it with specific healthcare needs.
  2. User-Friendly Interfaces: (Image 10) Prioritize intuitive and user-friendly interfaces catering to diverse users, including healthcare professionals and patients.
  3. Robust Data Infrastructure: Ensure a secure and robust data infrastructure, compliant with privacy regulations and standards.
  4. Cybersecurity Measures: Implement advanced cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive healthcare data from potential threats.
  5. Collaboration with Experts: Collaborate closely with healthcare professionals to align AI algorithms with clinical requirements and real-world scenarios.
  6. Rigorous Testing and Validation: Conduct thorough testing and validation processes to ensure the accuracy and reliability of AI algorithms.
  7. Continuous Monitoring and Updates: Establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring, updates, and improvements to keep the application effective and up-to-date.
  8. Adherence to Ethical Standards: Maintain a commitment to ethical standards, addressing concerns related to bias, privacy, and transparency.

DevOps plays a crucial role in the successful implementation and maintenance of medical AI solutions in healthcare settings. It ensures a smooth and efficient workflow, allowing for seamless updates, monitoring, and addressing any issues that may arise during the deployment and operation of AI applications.

Healthcare Mobile App Design with AI Indications
Image 10. Healthcare Mobile App Design with AI Indications.

Ready to start your project by introducing AI into your business?

AI in Action: ZenBit's Impactful Solutions for Health and Wellness

ZenBit excels in AI implementation across diverse healthcare solutions. Our healthcare wearable app utilizes AI to provide real-time health monitoring, empowering users to detect issues early. In mental health, the meditation app personalizes sessions using machine learning algorithms, offering tailored experiences. The telemedicine web app streamlines remote healthcare with AI-driven features for enhanced diagnostics and virtual consultations.

Addressing eldercare, our team created a social network for seniors that leverages AI to deliver personalized content, fostering social connections. In the physical therapy domain, the AI-driven app tailors exercise routines monitors progress, and provides real-time feedback for optimal rehabilitation outcomes. For emergency medical situations, ZenBit’s STEMI software expedites ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) response through AI, reducing critical intervention time and improving patient outcomes. These implementations showcase our commitment to innovative AI solutions, positively impacting diverse healthcare sectors.

AI in Healthcare: A Revolution Unveiled

In summary, the integration of medical AI holds vast potential to transform patient care and outcomes. AI-driven predictive analytics improve disease diagnosis accuracy, clinical testing efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. From population health management to medication optimization, AI provides real-time, accurate information. However, addressing bias and personalization limitations is crucial for equitable AI use. Successful AI integration promises fascinating transformations in the healthcare industry.


  • What are the benefits of using AI in Healthcare?

    AI in healthcare enhances diagnostic accuracy, streamlines administrative tasks, and improves personalized treatment plans. AI-driven predictive analytics aids in preventive care, reducing hospital readmissions. Virtual health assistants and mental health support tools enhance patient engagement. Overall, AI improves efficiency, reduces costs, and transforms patient outcomes in healthcare.

  • What potential drawbacks or challenges may arise from the implementation of AI in medicine?

    Medical AI can cause data privacy concerns, bias in algorithms, and the need for rigorous validation. Ensuring ethical use, addressing technical limitations, and maintaining human oversight are crucial for successful integration and realizing AI's benefits in healthcare.

  • Which healthcare areas can benefit the most from the implementation of artificial intelligence?

    The implementation of AI, along with the integration of DevOps in Healthcare, can significantly benefit areas like diagnostic imaging, drug discovery, personalized medicine, predictive analytics, and administrative tasks. AI offers improved accuracy, efficiency, and personalized care, revolutionizing how medical professionals diagnose, treat, and manage patient health.

  • How is the confidentiality and security of data ensured when using AI in medicine?

    Confidentiality and security in AI-driven healthcare involve robust measures such as encryption, access controls, and secure data storage. Compliance with data protection laws like HIPAA and GDPR, along with continuous monitoring for potential threats, ensures patient information remains confidential and secure throughout its use in medical applications. Rigorous Software Testing further contributes to the reliability and security of AI systems, ensuring they perform accurately and safely in healthcare settings.

  • How does medical staff interact with artificial intelligence technology in their daily work?

    Medical staff interacts with AI by leveraging its capabilities for diagnostic assistance, treatment recommendations, and predictive analytics. They input patient data, and AI algorithms analyze it to provide insights, aiding in decision-making. This collaboration enhances efficiency and accuracy, contributing to improved patient care in daily medical practice.

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    Dmitry Broshkov
    Dmitry Broshkov
    CEO of ZenBit Tech