Dedicated team cost calculator
Fast cost estimation of your dedicated team one click away
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perfect team!
The composition of your development team depends directly on your business needs and project requirements. Your dedicated team may consist of the following specialists:
Of knowledge and experience in software development
Experts in a variety of fields
Projects completed successfully
Well distributed team in more than 3 offices in Eastern European countries
In three days, we can get started quickly and easily.
We are trusted by global clients from over 14+ countries.
The primary advantage of employing dedicated developers is saving a significant amount of money on software development.
The following are the top five strategies for demonstrating why dedicated recruiting is a cost-effective strategy:
Outsourcing is often less expensive than employing local professionals – this is particularly true if you are based in the United States or Western Europe and are seeking a software development company in Eastern Europe. This is due to the disparity in living costs, which enables developers to earn a livable wage while charging less.
A typical software development team consists of experts with a wide variety of knowledge and skills:
ZenBit team joined the Synesthesia Team where we were in trouble sticking to our timeline in the development of the Synаеsthesiа Meditation App.
The collaboration was very successful. The communication was smooth, timelines were met. They are professional in cross-platform app development. The overall experience was very satisfying and I like to continue to work with them.
Deliveries are prompt, and ZenBit is forward-thinking in its execution. They are easy to work with, and they communicate well. If there is ever a gap in their knowledge, they resolve it immediately. Their team management is strong, and their suggestions are beneficial.